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Astrological Symbols On Our Medieval Well

We previously discovered an ancient spring water well at our French house in the Creuse.
It just got super cool!

Whilst clearing around the well, we noticed the adjoining ancient wall had some strange markings carved directly into the granite.
This early form of graffiti includes: circles, triangles, some A’s, and some angular lines.

Upon further investigation there appeared to be several of them. This spurred us on to start clearing the whole area around the lake.

The markings were found to be Gallo Roman Astrological symbols. They are not uncommon across France / Italy / Greece etc. The triangle is a Trine (fire, earth, air, and water) which gives good luck. The circle is the Sun, and brings you warmth and happiness. The capital A is Ascendant.

Our house had been abandoned for 30+ years, so the undergrowth had gone wild! It will take us all winter to clear this garden!

The ancient decorated wall leading up to the well is constructed out of huge granite blocks. Some of these must weigh several ton.

Making this well would have been a herculean task!
With Hazel now growing through it, we have the challenge of somehow removing the roots without destroying the structure.

We don’t have heavy lifting equipment, to deconstruct and rebuild it.
There going to be lots of hard work ahead!

Surrounding the spring appears to be a few strategically placed rocks, as if it was a primitive seating area.

On the rocks; when the light is in the right direction; can be seen between 15 and 20 symbols about 2 to 3 inches across.

In the woods right next to our fence we found a really old man-made cave. It may not be prehistoric, maybe only a few hundred years old, but it is definitely interesting.

It is probably some kind of food store or ice cave. It does however prove that the area was occupied long before any houses were built.

Menardeix Dolmen, Menhir & Tumulus

Less than 1 mile from our house is Menardeix, where there is a Dolmen (rock structure), a Menhir (standing stone) and a large Tumulus (underground burial). These rock structures are from 2000 to 3000 BC.

In the surrounding area, at least 2, maybe 4 more Dolmen were destroyed in the 19th century. In 1859, the table stone from one was used to make a cider press and another was used for a footpath near Gueret.

Our house, at 1890 feet, is within the second highest village in the Creuse and has views all the way to Toulx-Sainte-Croix; which has 250 mile panoramic views across 7 regions.

The huge sink hole in the adjacent field could have been a meeting point for centuries.
It is surrounded by massive granite boulders. If medieval man were to light a beacon fire at this point, it could been seen 75 miles away in multiple directions.

As we drive towards our house in our van; particularly in winter; we can see several large heaps of bounders in fields.
Are these farmers just gathering them up? Are they rocky outcrops? Volcanic Debris? Or are they possibly collapsed dolmens?

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