Remembrance Bench – Je t’aime

Mandy recently lost her father Tony and I recently lost my mum. As a tribute to their lives and as a tranquil place to sit, we began creating a remembrance bench. For years, my mum ‘Diane Rose’, used to sit on this garden bench in the Lake District, feeding the birds. Since then however, it […]


Acte Authentique De Vente

An Authentic Deed of Sale or ‘Acte Authentique De Vente’ is an official document drawn up by a public official (notary clerk or ‘notaire’) during the purchase of a property. Typically on the day the ‘Acte Authentique De Vente’ is signed, the full purchase funds are transferred. Once capital gains tax and notaires fees paid, […]


Compromis de Vente

Many would think that would be a notaire that draws up the preliminary sales contract or Compromis de Vente. but in most cases it is in fact the agent immoblier. The notary or notaire will not become involved until this very important contract is in place. The Compromis de Vente is a legally binding contract […]


France’s SAFER (Société d’aménagement foncier et d’établissement rural)

If you are a first time buyer in France then you probably haven’t heard of ‘right of pre-emption’ (droit de préemption), or France’s SAFER (Société d’aménagement Foncier Et d’établissement Rural). SAFER Right of Pre-emption SAFER are a rural agency that have the right of pre-emption (droit de préemption) on most rural property that comes onto […]


First Right of Refusal – ‘pacte de préférence’

When we bought our house we enquired whether we could exercise a ‘pacte de préférence‘ or first right of refusal on a neighbouring plot of land. The neighbouring plot of land was also owned by the vendor. Without that plot of land we would affectively be trespassing every time we used the door to the […]


Renovating a house in the Creuse

To begin Renovating a house in the Creuse we had to prioritise the jobs. We had to make it habitable. After all, we had no electrics, the fosse septique was 60 years old and condemned, there was was spring water to the property and the wood burner in the ceiler had rusted away. Essentially we […]


Why does it take so long to buy a house in France?

Why does it take so long to buy a house in France? There are much fewer reports to get done than the UK and solicitors have less work. Yet somehow cash buyers without a chain will struggle to complete in 3 months. Verbal Offer Verbal Offer Accepted Appointment Of Notaire Building Reports Compromis De Vente […]


Finding Estate Agents in France

Finding Estate Agents in France is not always easy. To find an Estate Agent you will need to be a bit of a detective and you will need to be stubborn if you want to get replies. In many countries, finding an Estate agent is easy. You simply browse the web and send a couple […]
