Renovation from the Ground Up

Welcome to our bedroom journey, where we take you behind the scenes of our crumbling walls and surprising discoveries! Prepare to be amazed as we unveil the hidden history of our abandoned house.

At the very beginning, we stumbled upon a shocking revelation – our house had been abandoned multiple times throughout its life. Who knew that the unsuspecting walls of our bedroom held such secrets?

But the real challenge lies in the collapsing state of our bedroom walls. They are in desperate need of maintenance, and we’re here to tackle this daunting task head-on. From layers of wallpaper to ancient plaster, we’ve got it all!

When we first moved in, we encountered a broken attic window and a malfunctioning gutter. With some quick fixes, we thought we had everything under control. Little did we know that rendering would only mask the true nightmare lurking behind the scenes, fooling even the most diligent of surveyors.

Choosing this property was no easy feat, as we considered over 60 potential properties before finding this gem. It may have its flaws, but trust us when we say that nothing is costing us as much as we initially expected.

Enter Lime Mortar – the key ingredient in our quest to restore our bedroom walls. However, a leak in the attic washed away the lime bonding agent, leaving the walls vulnerable. Now they are not only a habitat for insects, plants, and rodents, but also on the verge of collapse.

But fear not! The only visible sign of this impending disaster is a corner of peeling 1970’s wallpaper. Can you believe it? All this hidden damage was right in front of our eyes, hidden behind a layer of retro design.

To add to our surprises, we found evidence of walls moving in the past, but thankfully, they have only shifted a couple of millimeters since 1930. Unfortunately, poorly executed post-war repairs using free cement didn’t do them any favors.

But here’s the silver lining – it won’t cost us an arm and a leg to restore everything to its original charm. We’ll be using old fashioned tools, methods, and materials, giving you a glimpse of the past while incorporating some necessary modern improvements.

Join us on this fascinating journey, where we make new friends and have a whole lot of fun along the way. Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more episodes of our crazy renovations!

From Collapsing Walls to Hidden Repairs: Our Bedroom Journey