There are several French law stating that a metal detector may not be used for finding archaeological objects. Any objects found in the countryside are considered national treasures and should be turned over to the state.
This has led many people to believe that metal detecting is completely banned in France, or is only legal for archaeologists. Although there are very strict limits, it’s not a total ban.
Law n°89-900 (December 18, 1989) relating to the use of metal detectors. Repealed 2004 by ordinance, this law is reproduced identically in article L542-1 of the Heritage Code.
“No one may use equipment allowing the detection of metallic objects, for the purpose of researching monuments and objects that may be of interest to prehistory, history, art or culture, archaeology, without having previously obtained an administrative authorization issued according to the qualification of the applicant as well as the nature and methods of the research.”
Is Metal Detecting in France limited to Archaeologists?
Any land known to have hosted an ancient civilization, an area of historic interest, art, culture is strictly out of bounds. The only people that can use metal detector in these areas are archaeologists. If you wish to detect in these areas, they you will have to start archaeological studies to gain authorization.
Outside of areas of interest, provided a written agreement is obtained from the land owner then detection is allowed or at the very least tolerated.
Which Areas Areas are Metal Detectors Banned?
- Areas of prehistory or of history interest,
- art or culture interest
- archaeological interest
- Areas with prefectoral decrees formally prohibit prospecting using metal detectors
Prefectoral decrees often prohibit metal detecting due to the risk of explosion. Large quantities of munitions may still be buried in France.
Decrees exist in the region of Picardy, a large part of the Meuse department (55) and certain communes of Normandy and various landing beaches.
Who Owns What Is Found?
Any discovery found on the land does not belong to you. It is down to you and the land owner to create an agreement on how any finds or profits are shared. For more details on who owns an item read the section Article 716 Civil Code.
Ancient Artifacts Found
If you find an object of historic interest, you are obliged by French law to declare your find. The find will then be processed by the state. Any profits from the find may not be split between interested parties but instead go to the state.
- Buried munitions and arms
- Utilities companies, such as electric, water and gas not marked on cadastral map
- Human remains
- Archaeological sites
- Wild animals
- Animal traps
Code of Ethics
- Only enter private property after obtaining written permission
- Declare to the Marie any object of historic or archaeological interest
- Leave no litter and correctly dispose of any you find
- Never destroy or discard any treasure you find
- As a find is made, take photos in situ. Record it’s location and depth ( latitude, longitude / what3words)
- Do not clean finds or interest – leave them to be professionally cleaned
- Never publish the location of finds until the site has been surveyed and cleared by archaeologists
- Never prospect close to or around any site of archaeological or historical interest
- Never leave any holes or damage
- Always wear a detection helmet, so you do not disturb animals or wildlife
- If asked to stop – stop immediately and be polite
The French Metal Detecting Laws in Detail
Lets take a more in depth look at the law
Law No. 41-4011 (September 27, 1941) – Archaeological Excavations
Article L531-1
Nul ne peut effectuer sur un terrain lui appartenant ou appartenant à autrui des fouilles ou des sondages à l’effet de recherches de monuments ou d’objets pouvant intéresser la préhistoire, l’histoire, l’art ou l’archéologie, sans en avoir au préalable obtenu l’autorisation.
La demande d’autorisation doit être adressée à l’autorité administrative ; elle indique l’endroit exact, la portée générale et la durée approximative des travaux à entreprendre.
Dans le délai, fixé par voie réglementaire, qui suit cette demande et après avis de l’organisme scientifique consultatif compétent, l’autorité administrative accorde, s’il y a lieu, l’autorisation de fouiller. Elle fixe en même temps les prescriptions suivant lesquelles les recherches devront être réalisées.
No one may carry out on land belonging to him or to others excavations or surveys for the purpose of researching monuments or objects that may be of interest to prehistory, history, art or archaeology, without having previously obtained permission.
The request for authorization must be addressed to the administrative authority; it indicates the exact location, the general scope and the approximate duration of the work to be undertaken.
Within the time limit, fixed by regulation, which follows this request and after opinion of the competent scientific advisory body, the administrative authority grants, if necessary, the authorization to excavate. At the same time, it lays down the prescriptions according to which the research must be carried out.
Article L531-14 – Section 3 : Découvertes fortuites (Fortuitous discoveries)
Lorsque, par suite de travaux ou d’un fait quelconque, des monuments, des ruines, substructions, mosaïques, éléments de canalisation antique, vestiges d’habitation ou de sépulture anciennes, des inscriptions ou généralement des objets pouvant intéresser la préhistoire, l’histoire, l’art, l’archéologie ou la numismatique sont mis au jour, l’inventeur de ces vestiges ou objets et le propriétaire de l’immeuble où ils ont été découverts sont tenus d’en faire la déclaration immédiate au maire de la commune, qui doit la transmettre sans délai au préfet. Celui-ci avise l’autorité administrative compétente en matière d’archéologie.
Si des objets trouvés ont été mis en garde chez un tiers, celui-ci doit faire la même déclaration.
Le propriétaire de l’immeuble est responsable de la conservation provisoire des monuments, substructions ou vestiges de caractère immobilier découverts sur ses terrains. Le dépositaire des objets assume à leur égard la même responsabilité.
L’autorité administrative peut faire visiter les lieux où les découvertes ont été faites ainsi que les locaux où les objets ont été déposés et prescrire toutes les mesures utiles pour leur conservation.
When, as a result of works or of any fact, monuments, ruins, substructures, mosaics, elements of ancient canalization, vestiges of ancient dwellings or burials, inscriptions or generally objects which may be of interest to prehistory, the history, art, archaeology or numismatics are brought to light, the inventor of these vestiges or objects and the owner of the building where they were discovered are required to make an immediate declaration to the mayor of the commune, who must send it without delay to the prefect. The latter notifies the competent administrative authority in matters of archaeology.
If objects found have been placed in custody at a third party, the latter must make the same declaration.
The owner of the building is responsible for the temporary conservation of the monuments, substructures or vestiges of real estate discovered on his land. The custodian of the objects assumes the same responsibility for them.
The administrative authority may visit the places where the discoveries were made as well as the premises where the objects were deposited and prescribe all useful measures for their conservation.
Law No. 89-900 (December 18, 1989) – Use of metal detectors
Article L542-1
Nul ne peut utiliser du matériel permettant la détection d’objets métalliques, à l’effet de recherches de monuments et d’objets pouvant intéresser la préhistoire, l’histoire, l’art ou l’archéologie, sans avoir, au préalable, obtenu une autorisation administrative délivrée en fonction de la qualification du demandeur ainsi que de la nature et des modalités de la recherche.
No one may use equipment allowing the detection of metallic objects, for the purpose of researching monuments and objects which may be of interest to prehistory, history, art or archaeology, without having previously obtained an administrative authorization issued according to the qualification of the applicant as well as the nature and methods of the research.
Article L542-2
Toute publicité ou notice d’utilisation concernant les détecteurs de métaux doit comporter le rappel de l’interdiction mentionnée à l’article L. 542-1, des sanctions pénales encourues ainsi que des motifs de cette réglementation.
Any advertising or instructions for use concerning metal detectors must include a reminder of the prohibition mentioned in Article L. 542-1, of the criminal penalties incurred as well as the reasons for this regulation.
Article L542-3
Un décret en Conseil d’Etat fixe les conditions d’application du présent chapitre.
A decree in Council of State shall lay down the conditions of application of this chapter.
Article 716 Civil Code – Created by Law 19 April 1803 declared on 29 April 1803
La propriété d’un trésor appartient à celui qui le trouve dans son propre fonds ; si le trésor est trouvé dans le fonds d’autrui, il appartient pour moitié à celui qui l’a découvert, et pour l’autre moitié au propriétaire du fonds. Le trésor est toute chose cachée ou enfouie sur laquelle personne ne peut justifier sa propriété, et qui est découverte par le pur effet du hasard.
Ownership of a treasure belongs to him who finds it in his own fund; if the treasure is found in the collection of another, half of it belongs to the person who discovered it, and the other half to the owner of the collection. Treasure is anything hidden or buried over which no one can prove ownership, and which is discovered by pure chance.
Decree No. 91-787 – August 19, 1991
Article 1 – Modified by Ordinance No. 2004-178 – February 20, 2004 (article 3)
L’autorisation d’utiliser du matériel permettant la détection d’objets métalliques, prévue à l’article L. 542-1 du code du patrimoine, est accordée, sur demande de l’intéressé, par arrêté du préfet de la région dans laquelle est situé le terrain à prospecter. La demande d’autorisation précise l’identité, les compétences et l’expérience de son auteur ainsi que la localisation, l’objectif scientifique et la durée des prospections à entreprendre. Lorsque les prospections doivent être effectuées sur un terrain n’appartenant pas à l’auteur de la demande, ce dernier doit joindre à son dossier le consentement écrit du propriétaire du terrain et, s’il y a lieu, celui de tout autre ayant droit. L’arrêté accordant l’autorisation fixe les conditions selon lesquelles les prospections devront être conduites. Lorsque le titulaire d’une autorisation n’en respecte pas les prescriptions, le préfet de région prononce le retrait de l’autorisation.
The authorization to use equipment allowing the detection of metal objects, provided for in article L. 542-1 of the heritage code, is granted, at the request of the person concerned, by order of the prefect of the region in which is located the land to be prospected. The authorization request specifies the identity, skills and experience of its author as well as the location, scientific objective and duration of the surveys to be undertaken. When prospecting must be carried out on land not belonging to the applicant, the latter must attach to his file the written consent of the owner of the land and, if applicable, that of any other rightful claimant. The order granting the authorization sets the conditions under which the prospecting must be carried out.
Article 2 – Modified by Ordinance No. 2004-178 of February 20, 2004 (article 3)
Quiconque aura utilisé, à l’effet de recherches mentionnées à l’article L. 542-1 du code du patrimoine, du matériel permettant la détection d’objets métalliques sans avoir obtenu l’autorisation prévue à l’article 1er du présent décret ou sans avoir respecté les prescriptions de cette autorisation sera puni de la peine d’amende applicable aux contraventions de la 5e classe. Le matériel qui aura servi à commettre l’infraction pourra être confisqué.
Anyone who has used, for the purpose of research mentioned in Article L. 542-1 of the Heritage Code, equipment allowing the detection of metallic objects without having obtained the authorization provided for in Article 1 of this decree or without having complied with the prescriptions of this authorization will be punished with the penalty of a fine applicable to contraventions of the 5th class. The material used to commit the offense may be confiscated.